I recently had the pleasure of doing some work while traveling abroad.

Meeting and coaching people in another world is so rewarding.

They may speak and live in a world unlike mine, however, universally we strive for the same goals; happiness, joy, and fulfillment. My joy is when I can help others see that they have so much to give others, and a life about which they can have passion. Although people may live in incredible palaces, with amazing views, they have the same struggles as us all; finding passions and giving back to the world - that is true happiness!

I really do enjoy traveling. Actually, I enjoy the destinations and not so much the travel part. I find the travel part very challenging on so many levels and a complete test of all my spiritual beliefs, and my holiday in France to celebrate my daughter's graduation from college was no exception.

The uncertainty and challenges in international travel provide for great moments of growth, excitement, frustration, hilarity, and laughter. We experienced all of these and I remind myself this is why it is essential to leave our cozy country at least once a year. As glamorous as our trip to France was, there are the real life conundrums in planes, trains, buses, cars, tolls, hotels, and a foreign language.  

Many times I was forced way out of my comfort zone in places I would not even blink at in the United States. Simple directions, schedules, mapping are definitely places of weakness for me. I got to witness myself very frustrated at times, and realized those were great moments of growth and change. I had to take some big breaths and practice loads of patience. When I pulled into the wrong toll lane - as a result of not knowing the language - was yelled at in French to leave the lane, and was met with incredible angry French drivers beeping at us - I learned to laugh, and appreciate once again the ease with which I live my life in the US. Pushing one's boundaries always results in incredible growth!

How can I help you grow? Check out my Life Coaching services and let's get in touch!
