Group Talks


Many of us have became stagnant, bored, confused or a little lost in what are next steps should be. We have stopped living a life of excitement and opportunity and may have chosen a path of complacency or mediocrity.

Let's get you and your group back on your path to a life of joy, fulfillment and fun through rediscovering your life's purpose! We will investigate and rejuvenate the passions that are inside of you which allow you to recreate a rich and stimulating existence.

Know that it is possible and healthy to wake up every day filled with true passion for just being alive. Empower yourself to live a rewarding, exciting life through clear choices, and decisions inspired by this PEP TALK!

Fee Availiable on Request.

Ignite your group with a P.E.P. TALK!

Ignite your group with a P.E.P. TALK!

Motivational Talk Topics for small group, large group and corporate events

  • Passionate Aging

  • Passion Equals Purpose

  • Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

  • Training Your Brain

  • Your Words Create Your Reality

  • Rut Removal

  • Divorce As a Divine Opportunity

  • Gratitude Is the Only Option

  • Evicting the Roommate in Your Mind

Fee upon request using the form below.

Ann can help you design and implement group retreats, outings and weekends. Please inquire below.

Book Ann for your event!

Uncover the rich, stimulating existence that is awaiting your life!

Uncover the rich, stimulating existence that is awaiting your life!

Ann was a breath of fresh air at KeyBank. Her message was relevant and resonated with our recruits.
— Erin Cunningham, KeyBank
Your P.E.P. Talk enlightened me to begin to think more about how our outward portrayal and words we say to others directly impacts how we feel about ourselves in life.