Thinking about getting divorced?
“There are many people that love to talk about someones else’s crumbling marriage. Choose your confidants wisely.”
Here are some things to think about before going through with this major life change.
- Make a clear list of what is working in your marriage, all the positive things. Then make a list of what is not working. Can you recognize any negative traits that are directly yours? Also list them. Those traits will follow you into the next relationship, so realizing what they are can help you understand them, work on them and move forward!
- Talk with someone. It may be a friend, a family member, therapist or a COACH; a person who will give you a very honest opinion. You want the truth, not just what you want to hear, from a person you respect and who also wants the best for you. Keeping this list limited is crucial. The more people you tell, the more the word spreads, very quickly. There are many people that love to talk about someones else's crumbling marriage. There is also a good chance that you may stay married, and rumors can be deadly to your spouse or to your children.
- Do not go out and test the waters! Having honesty and integrity for yourself is of huge importance at this time. The worst regret of a divorced spouse is that they cheated. I am a huge believer in Karma, and you do get what you give. Any fling will feel like a huge rush, with mad, passionate engagements. In this situation your marriage will definitely feel dismal by comparison. The grass may look and feel a whole lot greener, but that is temporary. Your marriage may need a little fertilizer to refresh that greenery. If your process takes you to a divorce you will be proud to leave with your head, and heart held high.